Hazardous Location Exp Proof or Intrinsically safe?

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New member
Where is there a seminar that will discuss when to use explosion proof equipment vs when to use intrinsically safe equipment? The differences between the two and the rules governing the use of the two?
mmarsh said:
Where is there a seminar that will discuss when to use explosion proof equipment vs when to use intrinsically safe equipment? The differences between the two and the rules governing the use of the two?

Usually the choice is pretty simple. Its simple economics. IS installations are usually much more cost effective if it is suitable for what you are doing such as instruments and process switches.

XP is necessary for things that cannot be made IS such as motors, area lighting, etc. Sometimes it is cost effective to wire in some things as XP that could be IS, just because you have to run conduit to that area.
IS installation IS less cost effective in Cl.I, Div 2 location than open raceway wiring that is allowed for items that may be available as IS devices. It MAY be more cost effective in Div. 1 areas that should be very limited in comparison to the Div 2 area in the same plant.
We have run cost analysis over and over on this and suggest to anyone, who is contemplating the installation of it, to do so. Key items are the entirely different components that need to be kept rigourously separated from other systems and even from each other if they are different IS systems. IS installationb and maintenance requires people with specialized skills that is not widely available so you will pay premium or you have underqualified people potentially screwing up the safety of your system.
Just be honest with yourself and think practical. The theory is great the reality is bleaker.
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