Hazardous Locations / Classifications

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Looking at a project where there will be vehicle testing, and includes pit areas, typically the vehicle is driven into the facility tested and removed however there are cases where they bring in fuel [via mobile dispensing unit] to re-fuel the vehicle, there is no major repair going on however since there is a transfer of fluids [not permant dispensing] would this require the class rating based on a major repair garage 513.3[C] (1),(2)&(3), there is no "repair activity" as indicated in 511.3[C] it only involves re-fueling would this still qualify as "repair activities that transfer of fluids" or would this fall under a minor repair garage?
Your description sounds like a combination of Sections 511.3(B) and 511.3(D). The fact that the fueling is mobile doesn't mean it's not dispensing.


Correct, the section [C] that refers to Major Repair Garages indicates that "flammable liquids will not be dispensed, but repair activities that involve the transfer of such fluids", since I have no "repair" however I will be dispensing it sounds like article 511 may not apply at all, however now I refer back to Article 500 and it sounds like a class I div. 2 application, the search continues....
First, it doesn't sound like a major garage; but it does sound like a minor garage. See the definitions in 511.2.

Section 511.3(B) applies to both. With mobile dispensing you're going to ultimately be referring to Article 514 as well.

If you attempt to classify using Article 500 alone, you will have a long, agonizing exercise.


Bob, I agree I would like to use the ventilated requirements for minor garage however under minor garage it talks about gaseous fuels "will not be dispensed or transferred" that is where I am stuck because this is not a "dispensing" facility however there is still a form of dispensing or transferring of fuels....
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How do you consider refueling (via a mobile dispensing unit) not dispensing? There is no requirement for a permanent dispensing unit in either Article 511 or 514.
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