HDMI Cables...

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Senior Member
Is it code compliant if they are fished down a wall, no conduit? I don't know much about these cables, someone said they make an "In-wall" rated HDMI cable? Anyone with experience have some insight?
Sorry, but NFPA should have no business in this business (no real fire or safety issues - unless you happen to hang yourself by the cable).
Sorry, but NFPA should have no business in this business (no real fire or safety issues - unless you happen to hang yourself by the cable).

I guess I'll have to disagree with this post! ;)

I believe that history has shown that cables constructed of certain materials and installed in particular manners can greatly increase the spread of fire. Materials and installation techniques have been developed to minimize this, and the NFPA makes that information available to help minimize fire risk and impact.
Whay did you diasagre with your self?

To the OP for a home your would need a class 2 in wall cable. They are easy to find online, although I have not seen them at big box stores.
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