HDPE to IMC coupling?

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Senior Member
Williamsburg, VA
We are transitioning from 4" HDPE osp conduit to IMC. I cannot seem to find a coupling for this; the closest is transitioning from HDPE to RPVC then to IMC. Does anyone know of a product than can make the transition with one piece? btw, RPVC fittings are too loose to be used on HDPE (had to try), not that they would be listed for the purpose anyway.
Thanks guys. The first link, looks like part #El4.500 is ~$31 and joins the 4" HDPE to RPVC or threaded steel (IMC or GRC). The second does the same at ~$49 ea, looks easier to install. Will get four of them ordered first thing Monday morning (also need 2 1.5" couplings).
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