Headroom on electrical equipment

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New member
The job I'm currently inspecting is based on the 2001 CEC. I have interior surface mount panels with copper water lines overhead! Article 110-26f (1)a "dedicated electrical space" makes it clear that 6' of headroom is required. Where in the code, or is there anything regarding waterlines above equipment? My concern is a safety issue due to the potential that water could leak onto the equipment.
In the NEC it's 110.26(F).
You will probably be disappointed in the wording as it applies to the area directly above the equipment. NEC seems to address "dripping" or "sweating" but not "spray".

NEC 110.26(E)
Headroom. The minimum headroom of working spaces
about service equipment, switchboards, panelboards, or motor
control centers shall be 2.0 m (61⁄2 ft). Where the electrical
equipment exceeds 2.0 m (61⁄2 ft) in height, the minimum
headroom shall not be less than the height of the equipment.
Exception: In existing dwelling units, service equipment
or panelboards that do not exceed 200 amperes shall be
permitted in spaces where the headroom is less than 2.0 m
(61⁄2 ft).
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