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Emergency services in hospital

Emergency services in hospital

Just trying to find out in a healthcare setting what does telemetry and patient bed monitoring have to be on critical or life safety panel. I believe that has to be on critical do to patient care
telemetry is a wireless connection to monitor patients vitals and heart rate at a central location. Patient bed monitoring is a hardwired way to monitor vitals and heart rate from a central location. I looked in 517.32 and 517.33 cannot find anything related to telemetry or patient bed monitoring.
Here it is normally fed from the Critical Branch.

517.33(A)(9) would cover it, if you assume those things are needed for effective hospital operation. (And you should.)
517.33(A)(9) would cover it, if you assume those things are needed for effective hospital operation. (And you should.)
Thank you so much guys 517.33 (a)(9) should cover that. just wanted to make sure we were looking at that correctly thank you for all your insight. Now we just have to find out if New York City covers that. My last and final question is that we have a master and a slave telemetry and bed patient monitoring does the slave have to be on critical also or can it be on life safety. This just seems to be a grey area in the NEC Code.
The slave should also be fed from the Critical Branch.

Agreed. Critical branch only. Neither telemetry nor patient bed monitors should be fed from the Life Safety branch. The NEC only allows the following things to be on Life Safety:

1. Egress lighting
2. Exit signs
3. Critical alarms
4. Communication systems used to evacuate the building during emergencies
5. Generator accessories
6. Elevators
7. Automatic doors

The critical branch is much more flexible with what can be put on it.
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