Heat for a handicap shower?

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I am trying to find a UL listed heat/light for a handicapped rol in shower.

This is for my friends handicapped child. The shower is about6' long and 7" high. There is a light in it now. I will need no ex fan, one is alredy installed.

The shower is done by an aid with a hand held unit. Splashing is little. The child gets cold during this process and needs some suplimental heat.

I was looking at a radiant (heat lamp) type, with the cold water splash tested.Waiting to hear from the inspector, on his thoughts.

GFCI without saying.

I know they are out there, But I can't locate them.

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How about something like this.


Click on heat, then radiant, then CP Radiant Cieling panels. With these there are no lamps to change or worry about breaking and they provide a very comfortable heat. Feel kind of like standing in the sun.
Now thats a thought that got by me, I like it.

A quick read, did state that they do have "special" panels for wet locations.
I'm not crazy about the heat lamps.
Cost is a factor aswell (for the unit).

Thanks for the help.


You know, I'm not sure about the wet location but I just had these priced for a large covered patio. Outdoors, not exactly wet, but they had a silicone gasket they could provide for that situation. The panels themselves were not much more than the heat lamp you linked to, about $295. Of course the shipping, mounting bracket and gasket all cost more.:rolleyes:

One more thought. A few years back I wired an addition for a handicapped kid. Many of the contractors on the job donated a portion of their contract for this job. Our supply house even donated material. It might be hard to get your supplier to kick down a $300 heater but they may eat the shipping. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to ask.
Good idea. Anything handicap is outrageous!!

Good idea. Anything handicap is outrageous!!

I know, thats How I meet these friends, Thru my own situation.

SpiderMT, Thanks for the link. I E-mailed today a local distributor.Should hear on Tues. I think the panel is the way to go.

They do sell secured weather tight units. Trying to get prices soon.

My son is handicapped so I have been very active helping others.
I would ask that others here do aswell. Insurance only goes so far.

This is (not by choice) the direction my practice is going. Each day I find and see new needs that we don't realize. There is a market out there for the less- abled.. automation etc. for us a convenience, others necessity.

If any out there have such customers.. the different clubs out there offer help, LIONS etc.



If you still need help in finding a solution I can call my heat rep. P.M. if you need more options. Your supply house may not be able to donate the unit but the manufacturer may.


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