Heat Pump service receptacle

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New User
I thought I had read there was an exception to needing a service receptacle with a heat pump if it was a commercial project. The reasoning being that random people don’t set up camp and use this when no one is around.
I thought it was there but cannot find this in the NEC. Is there an exception and if so where is it in the code? Thanks!
I thought I had read there was an exception to needing a service receptacle with a heat pump if it was a commercial project. The reasoning being that random people don’t set up camp and use this when no one is around.
I thought it was there but cannot find this in the NEC. Is there an exception and if so where is it in the code? Thanks!
There is no such NEC exception for commercial projects.

I don't believe anything would prohibit switching the receptacle so that it can't be used by random people.
Had to do that on a receptacle at a church and a password on the wifi. People were using their wifi and charging their phones at their expense.
Now they just had to have renters evicted by the health department because of the filth in the house. Not to mention they were 6 months behind in rent.....
I had a restaurant owner that had me work on their road sign. There was a 120V receptacle at the base of the sign. She had me put a lockable cover on the receptacle to keep people mostly homeless) from stopping and charging their phones.
Ever wonder why Waffle House had the pay phones outside? They had problems with hookers and drug dealers hanging out inside where it was warm. Heard that from one of their own GC’s.
I had a restaurant owner that had me work on their road sign. There was a 120V receptacle at the base of the sign. She had me put a lockable cover on the receptacle to keep people mostly homeless) from stopping and charging their phones.
Last year at a building I was working on, we went there one day and I notice an extension cord plugged into the sign outlet. I would have just thought it was some legitimate use except there was a poor attempt to conceal it with leaves. It went to the building next door that was abandoned/condemned. Just for the fun of it i decided to unplug it but leave the cord there and see how long it took to get plugged back in. Came back an hour later and it was plugged back in. This time I took the cord. It's a pretty nice one, must be 100 feet! Whoever was loving in there had a nice few days, but all good things come to an end.
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