NEC 680.5 Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters.
Ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) shall be self-contained units, circuit-breaker or receptacle types, or other listed types.
See the definition of ground-fault circuit interrupter in Article 100.
[HANDBOOK] A ground-fault circuit interrupter is intended to be used only in a circuit that has a solidly grounded conductor; however, an equipment grounding conductor is not necessary in order for the GFCI to function. A Class A GFCI trips where the current to ground has a value in the range of 4 through 6 mA; it is suitable for use in swimming pool circuits. It should be noted, however, that circuits supplying pool equipment that were installed before local adoption of the 1965 edition of the Code may have sufficient leakage current to cause a Class A GFCI to trip. A Class B GFCI trips if the current to ground exceeds 20 mA; it is suitable for use only with underwater swimming pool lighting fixtures installed before the local adoption of the 1965 Code.