Heat tracing water pipes

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Senior Member
New Jersey
Unheated basement with water and fire sprinkler piping with oodles of electric heat tracing to keep from freezing.

Some of these cables are plugged into receptacles (or damaged extension cords (yikes) then disappear above the gypsum ceiling. How can these cables be inspected? Also, I thought that power cords could not be routed in this manner. Insight would be appreciated.

Wow, that a great "Spot the Violations" photo.

Is that really a power cord mudded into the sheet rock? I can't believe it.

You are an inspector, and they actually let you see this? Even more unbelievable!!

Look here:

400.8 Uses Not Permitted.
Unless specifically permitted in 400.7, flexible cords and cables shall not be used for the following:
(1) As a substitute for the fixed wiring of a structure
(2) Where run through holes in walls, structural ceilings, suspended ceilings, dropped ceilings, or floors
(3) Where run through doorways, windows, or similar openings
(4) Where attached to building surfaces
Exception to (4): Flexible cord and cable shall be permitted to be attached to building surfaces in accordance with the provisions of 368.56(B)
(5) Where concealed by walls, floors, or ceilings or located above suspended or dropped ceilings
(6) Where installed in raceways, except as otherwise permitted in this Code
(7) Where subject to physical damage
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