Heater Feed

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Senior Member
hot water heater 60A unfused disconnect switch. 3P 60A breaker feeding from 277/480v panel only 50' run.

Using 1" EMT with #6's is ok I come up with? No neutral required? Could use conduit as a ground or pull separate ground? Thanks.
With the info given, #6 should be fine. Be good to know the KW so we are not assuming eveything is sized correctly.
Is there any flex involved ??
Thanks, no neutral needed? 1" Fine, no 1-1/4"?
probably not. most 3 phase electric water heaters are wired as delta. HOWEVER, I have seen a few where the elements are wired L-N.

EMT is fine as an equipment grounding conductor.

Keep in mind electric heaters require 125% ampacity for its conductors, but in general no more than 48 Amps per circuit is allowed anyway so 60 Amps is probably a good choice.
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