Heavy Phasing

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Senior Member
Hello. Bidding a job that's in an occupied space. We have to do the work/areas by phases as indicated on the drawings. Work will take place at nights and on weekends. We think we can get most phases done over a weekend. Any problems/question you guys see or would ask for such a heavily phased project. Never say anything like this before. Thank you.


  • L_D Phasing Plan 2017-06-15.jpg
    L_D Phasing Plan 2017-06-15.jpg
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I see patient rooms. Is this a hospital? A little more about what you are doing may help us help you.

My first thoughts are: do you have to control dust and noise? Is there existing asbestos (usually above ceiling tiles). Can power be turned off in the phase without disturbing other (non-work) phases? How far away are the lay-down areas? Can you bring materials through the non-work phases? Will material fit in elevators (if multistory)?
I see patient rooms. Is this a hospital? A little more about what you are doing may help us help you.

My first thoughts are: do you have to control dust and noise? Is there existing asbestos (usually above ceiling tiles). Can power be turned off in the phase without disturbing other (non-work) phases? How far away are the lay-down areas? Can you bring materials through the non-work phases? Will material fit in elevators (if multistory)?

Yes hospital. Just receptacles and lighting.
Shutdown of existing circuits are a problem in this type of project.
When you shutdown a circuit for an area that you need to work in, it could affect other areas that need to stay online.
However long you think it would take to do it as a single phase, triple it and then start adding even more time for each discontinuous block of time. You will be amazed at how much time gets chewed up hauling out equipment and material before you actually do any work. And then put it all away until next time.
However long you think it would take to do it as a single phase, triple it and then start adding even more time for each discontinuous block of time. You will be amazed at how much time gets chewed up hauling out equipment and material before you actually do any work. And then put it all away until next time.

However long you think it would take to do it as a single phase, triple it and then start adding even more time for each discontinuous block of time. You will be amazed at how much time gets chewed up hauling out equipment and material before you actually do any work. And then put it all away until next time.

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