Height of a sub panel?

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Senior Member
I have a friend in a townhouse complex that was built 40+ years ago and the electrical sub panel is in the closet. They want to turn it around to face the entry and they want to put it as low as possible so they can place a short free standing piece of furniture in front of it so it doesn't show. I know there are restrictions on how high a sub panel can be (to the highest circuit breaker), but is there somewhere in NEC that dictates how low the sub panel (lowest circuit breaker) can be? Thanks.
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I don't believe there are any restrictions on how low you can go ... :roll:

I would recommend to mount it at normal (eyeball) height, and hang a picture over it if they don't want to see a panel box in that foyer. :D
The only restriction I know of is for a trailer.

550.11 Disconnecting Means and Branch-Circuit Protective Equipment.

(A) Disconnecting Means. A single disconnecting means shall be provided in each mobile home consisting of a circuit breaker, or a switch and fuses and its accessories installed in a readily accessible location near the point of entrance of the supply cord or conductors into the mobile home. The main circuit breakers or fuses shall be plainly marked ?Main.? This equipment shall contain a solderless type of grounding connector or bar for the purposes of grounding, with sufficient terminals for all grounding conductors. The terminations of the grounded circuit conductors shall be insulated in accordance with 550.16(A). The disconnecting equipment shall have a rating not less than the calculated load. The distribution equipment, either circuit breaker or fused type, shall be located a minimum of 600 mm (24 in.) from the bottom of such equipment to the floor level of the mobile home.
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