Height of exit lights

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NFPA 101 Chapter 7

NFPA 101 Chapter 7

Check out chapter 7. They have information related to placement and location based on building use, etc..
Here we just want to be able to see it. So if you have a bunch of 6' partitions don't mount it at 5', but we don't have a set number. Time to time we have to have some added because once the project is complete we find that the exits can't be easily located.
How many of us have caused the ceiling guy have to 'box out' around an exit fixture because there was not enough room between the jamb top and ceiling? Probably not legal to 'box out' per some codes, but that was the fix here!

Best Wishes Everyone in 2008
There may be an issue with overhead clearances in a hallway, walkway, etc., if it is ceiling mounted. Usually no lower than 6' 8".
ryan_618 said:
I don't think its in Chapter 10 of the IBC...I don't think it is anywhere.
Assuming the OP is referring to exit signs, chapter 10, section 1011 covers exit signs. That's out of the '06 IBC. As I stated in my 1st reply, I don't see a max or min height. If I'm missing something, please let me know.
I don't see any min or max hts in the 2000 IBC. Don't have the 06 yet.

I did find this and its what I need.

NFPA 101 Mounting location. The bottom of the marking shall be located at a vertical distance of not more than 6 ft 8 in above the top edge of the egress opening intended for designation by that marking. Egress markings shall be located at a horizontal distance of not more than the required width of the egress opening, as measured from the edge of the egress opening intended for designation by that marking to the nearest edge of the marking.

Thanks, Tim
I thought that you guys were crazy, I knew that there was a max height. Turns out that it is a local amendment to our building code. Max 12' aff and a max of 2' from either edge of the door.

Funny thing, it does not seem to be enforced here. I always try to comply but have noticed that no one else seems to worry about max height.

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