Help Ground/ Bond Service and 2 X Pump Controller, 1 X Pivot Disconnect


I'm trying to keep this post as simple as possible and feel I am failing.

At this time, I'm not concerned about sizing bonding jumpers or GEC, or conductors or breakers. I'm only concerned about GEC, Neutral, EGC, where they should land, and methods, execution in a service/ multi pump/ pivot situation. How do I clean this up?

Agriculture pump service out in the sticks, trying to make it code compliant to re-energize after several years of being off.

Overhead service to a single phase meter base to an (auxiliary???) gutter, then two pump controllers and a pivot disconnect below the gutter. Phase converter, pumps and pivot are hiding behind the equipment in photos. Am hoping everyone can trace neutrals and grounds by pictures alone.

My biggest concern is that the service neutral goes from meter base to first pump controller on the left, to a chair lug bolted to the enclosure, then equipment grounds all over the place. Each disconnect does not have its own neutral and GEC.

GEC goes from two rods to pump controller on left, chair lug bolted to enclosure. Thats where everything oroginates. GEC doesn't go to each controller/ disconnect individually.

I believe some of the issues are:

NEC 230.7: service conductors from meter base pass through gutter with conductors other than service conductors, but should be okay because it could be considered an Auxillary Gutter and not a Wireway? But they pass through the same conduit into the left most disconnect, and that's a wireway?

NEC 250.92: the meter base and gutter tied to the meter base need a bonding jumper, like a CT can, tied to the neutral somehow. Meter base has a bond jumper tied to the neutral, but the bond jumper for gutter comes from chair lug in left most disconnect on left side of enclosure to a ground bar in gutter.

NEC 250.64(D)(2): Each disconnect needs its own tie-in to the grounding electrode system. Currently, only the left most controller has a GEC connection, and it's off a lug bolted to the side of the enclosure. Grounds go from that lug to the other controller/ disconnects.

NEC 250.64(E)(1): Bonding bushings with supply side bonding jumpers used throughout. It all comes off the left most controller lug bolted to the enclosure then goes all over the place.

Thank you for your time!


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Nothing there uses a neutral from the utility. Bond them as individual services. PP are usually SUSE rated. Different ways to do the small transformer.
Neutral and GEC drops off at each controller and the one disconnect, bond screw or bond jumper to the can?

Is the gutter considered an Auxillary gutter, and don't need to worry about service conductors with non service conductors?