Help please - Dead Outlets

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New member
toronto, canada
Hi, been scouring the internet and I am lost and hopefully a kind knowledgeable stranger is willing to help me out.

I am not an electrician by any means but I am comfortable with basic wiring, such as installing light switches/dimmers, outlets relocation etc.

Here is my issue:

Last night, I plugged in a hdmi cable directly from tv to Xbox and about less than 10 seconds after the xbox logo displays on the screen, the power died to all devices that are plugged in to these outlets.

Now there are 2 dead outlets in this room ??!

No tripped breaker and no electricity at all on these 2 outlets. I pulled out the outlets and tested the wires using my volt stick. no light/beep. In one outlet there are 4 wires connected (2 black n 2 white) and the other outlet only 2 wires (1 black and 1 white) and ground.

There are potlights and 2 other outlets in the same room and they are working fine. I reset the breaker to this room and no change. There are no GFCI on the outlets or the breaker.

any ideas what i can test next?

Thanks in advance
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