Help to make this code forum better - from MHE Director

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We're going to be re-evaluating our code forum and looking at ways to make it better. Please give me some suggestions. You are the users that are on the forum, so your feedback and what you want is most important to me. Let me know what you'd like to see happen. We'll consider all requests! Thanks for your participation!
Re: Help to make this code forum better - from MHE Director

It's Me! FOOD FOR THOUGHT! do the math! Home page 2003, over 800,000 visitors to Mike! Code Forum members of 18,776! That's roughly 2.4% of the visitors to Mike!! Some of our members have been members for many years...according to statistics, the 800,000 is double what it was in 2002, I would like to see and equilavent increase in membership....5% this year! All these people are looking for something, let's give them something no other website does! Knowledge and the chance to win something! Some say to charge a fee ($25) would drive away many of our members! Are we trying to attract business or just upgrading our dinosaur equipment to accomodate the members we already have? wildman
Re: Help to make this code forum better - from MHE Director

i think we need to expand the subjects to cover areas like "equipment for sale" or "off topic" or "just a b.s. area" or "electrical tips" maybe a way to post pictures from digital cameras showing equipment failures and or code violations, maybe split areas into regions so people face the same problems--an inspector page.
get somemore interest to where people aare browsing through the mhe webb pages daily!!
Re: Help to make this code forum better - from MHE Director

Tara, An electrical inspector's section with digital photographs may be welcome. I believe Joe Tedesco's forum does this with a better perspective of both residential gross violations and occasionally exceptional wiring beyond everyday installations. As an author and a long time wire ant, there are times where a photo would help all of us and shorten descriptive text for better clarification.

rbj, Seattle
Re: Help to make this code forum better - from MHE Director

I have written in several times to the code committees, but never seen results. Possibly with the recognition of this forum and contribution and signatures from members, changes could be brought to the committees without large corporate backing.
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