Help Webmaster / Reporting Slow Speeds

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George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Hospital Master Electrician
Hey folks! Do me a favor: when you notice the forum not loading, or running slow, please send an email to with the following information so that we can track down the source of the problem:

Your Screen Name
Date/Time & Time Zone
Roughly how long had you been signed in?
What were you trying to access?
Did clicking the link a second time overcome the problem?

If you can think of any other pertinent info to add, feel free.

I had a problem for a couple of days after the server crashed, but it's been running pretty good for the last several days.
Just so you all know the webmaster has been working on the system. You probably have noticed that the post reply page is very different looking. They are also upgrading to a different server. Hopefully this will all be better soon.
Just so you all know the webmaster has been working on the system. You probably have noticed that the post reply page is very different looking. They are also upgrading to a different server. Hopefully this will all be better soon.
That's all good. I did notice the changes. I hope bringing attention to the problem qualifies as feedback and not complaining.
I can not open that thread either. FF is my browser.
So it is the Forum. I'm sure it will get settled.
I couldn't even get on the site period for quite a while today. I also notice the reply page takes a few seconds to fully load. I'm sure this is all part of the upgrade/repair.
Guys, I have a suggestion if you find that clicking on the "new posts" button to the left of a thread title sends you to a "can't find the thread" message.

1. Back up and just click on the thread title.
2. When you're done for the session, mark all posts read (link on the top left of search page).

I noticed that the thread is still there, and if you delete everything after the post number in the title the thread appears.

I bet it's just a short term glitch related to how close we are in time to the latest upgrade.

Edit: Thread closed, please reply here with any problems.
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