Help with a symbol.

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Grumpy Old Man
I am working on a print and came across a symbol that I do not recognize. Haven't ever seen it before.

Any help would be appreciated.

Yeah, there is a legend. But . . . this symbol is not on it. Typical triangle/delta symbols for phone & network.
My guess, some sort of interface port, Telephone, cat, house services, etc ...

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Then the file was translated once. I've seen this mis-disinformation before.
A static menu is used to place symbols blocks or cells from a digitizier menu that will get switched once sent through a translation to another CAD program and there symbol library.
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Chamuit said:
Yeah, there is a legend. But . . . this symbol is not on it. Typical triangle/delta symbols for phone & network.

Then definitely call and find out what it is and what your responsibilities to it are. Looks important enough not to miss on a bid...
dSilanskas said:
Hey I saw something like that on Star Trek
somebody say Star Trek, I am the self proclaimed Star Trek expert of this forum. (the origional series of course) that symbol looks more like something that you might see on The Next Generation or some other bastardized version of Star Trek. Or it could be an arcitechts version of a data symbol
The closest thing to that I could find on any print legend I can get my hands on is an "optical service router" outlet. Could this be a fiber jack?
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CAT exam room.... for the CAT scan?

Guy takes dog to vet. Vet says "sir your dog is dead", are you sure?, yes, I love that dog can you run a test to make sure?, ok, vet brings in cage puts on thick leather gloves reaches in cage pulls out a wild cat and throws cat onto dog, cat goes wild clawing and biting, dog doesnt move. Vet says sir I'm sorry your dog is really dead. Guy says ok can you take care of burying the dog?, sure no problem. How much do I owe you? Vet says $850.00. That's kinda high to bury the dog. Vet says well it's $50.00 for burying the dog and $800.00 for the CAT scan
tonyou812 said:
...the origional series of course...
Were there others?:grin: Kirk was the only one who never took anything from anybody. The other captains were girly men...then you have Janeway.
ceb58 said:
Guy takes dog to vet. Vet says "sir your dog is dead", are you sure?, yes, I love that dog can you run a test to make sure?, ok, vet brings in cage puts on thick leather gloves reaches in cage pulls out a wild cat and throws cat onto dog, cat goes wild clawing and biting, dog doesnt move. Vet says sir I'm sorry your dog is really dead. Guy says ok can you take care of burying the dog?, sure no problem. How much do I owe you? Vet says $850.00. That's kinda high to bury the dog. Vet says well it's $50.00 for burying the dog and $800.00 for the CAT scan

You didn't mention the chocolate & golden labaradors who sniffed the dog. That's another $450 for the Lab tests!.
480sparky said:
You didn't mention the chocolate & golden labaradors who sniffed the dog. That's another $450 for the Lab tests!.
That is one I've never heard. I guess I've lived a sheltied life.:grin:
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