help with design

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I have 4 outdoor residential heaters to install. They are 240V 12Amp each.
they need to be control by the Lutron homework system.
I was planning to install relay switch controlling 4 separate step up transformers to control heaters. Do anybody have better idea? I'm open to advice.
Why would you want to use step-up transformers? Isn't 240v available? Not familiar with Homeworks but I am pretty sure it offers a dry contact module. Simply use contactors to control the 240 to each heater and a 24v control transformer with the dry contacts to control the contactor coils.

Why would you want to use step-up transformers? Isn't 240v available? Not familiar with Homeworks but I am pretty sure it offers a dry contact module. Simply use contactors to control the 240 to each heater and a 24v control transformer with the dry contacts to control the contactor coils.


NYC is 208V so I need step up.
Are these baseboard heaters, or like infrared? 4 3500W heaters put out a good amount of heat...


1) Buy larger heaters designed to run at 240V so that you get what is desired on a 208V supply; that means oversizing them 33%* on BTU/KW. A 240V heater puts out 75% its rating operating at 208V (*the inverse of 75% (3/4) is 133% (4/3)).

2) Buy a 5th (or 6th) heater to make up for the loss of power running 240V units at 208V

3) See if the 4 heaters will put out enough heat at 208V. If they do, problem solved. If not, see #1, 2, or live with it. If they will work on 208V, they will just stay cycled on a little more.

4) See if heaters are available that are designed to operate at 208V.

I would think a single 208V - 240V 15kva transformer would be cheaper and more efficient than 4 4 or 5kva transformers.
the heaters ( are already supplied . They wont work. I cald manufacture and they said to me that require 240V otherwise warranty will be void.
I was planning to put contactor switch controlling 4 step up transformers but maybe someone have better ideas.

Ouch. Well, they do make 208V elements for Bromic, not sure if these fit the heaters you listed (which are 2300W @9.2A, not 12A as you originally mentioned):

At that price, probably better just to go with your original idea of 4 xfmrs...

I dont suppose the heaters can be returned for 208V units? Even with a restocking fee + shipping, you'd still come out better than buying xfmrs.
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