Help with MC-HL sealing gland with twisted pair cables.

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Senior Member
West Virginia
Wv Master “lectrician”
Doing a job that’s mostly MC-HL cable.

I’m aware of the exception allowing twisted shielded pairs to not have to be broke apart to seal if at the termination you use an approved means to minimize passages of gas and vapors.

What is the approved means of sealing the terminations?

We are currently breaking everything apart and going in between individual conductors but this is time consuming and certain the shield will make contact on the device side and only needs to be grounded at the PLC.
In Class I, Division 1, follow the instructions of a TMCX type cable terminator or equivalent. Sealing “around” the sheilded twisted pairs is adequate to prevent a flame path and minimize volatiles transmission. [See 501.15 IN No.1]

In Divison 2, unless the enclosure is required to be explosionproof, a seal isn't necessary.
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