Help with switching/relay..

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New member
Hamburg, NY
So here is my dilemma.. My father in law has a 220vac shop compressor in his work from home garage. Every once in a while he forgets to turn it off and in the middle of the night it will kick on to refill. He would like me to find a way of switching off this compressor from inside the house so he doesnt have to go all the way out into the garage to shut it down if this occurs. He also (for some odd reason does not want to run 10/2 through the house for switching purposes) I am an electrician but esentially do only residential with some light commercial So this is foreign to me. I do recall I did some small work in a hair salon once where they had a subpanel that the feed ran through a box that had a relay/contactor in it that was switched from a 15 amp switch in the main office. This enabled them to kill all the homeruns in that panel that controlled outlets in the salon to be sure nothing plugged in would cause a fire. My questions are..

-Have any of you seen this before?
-Would it work for my purpose? (I assume so)
-What exactly do I have to buy?
-Can this be done with a 3 way system?

Thanks ahead of time guys.
Motion sensor in workshop to control compressor. ;)

But yes you could do it with a relay, a transformer and low voltage wire.

I would use something like this

I like the motion sensor idea or you could put it on a time clock. Both are easier than running new wiring to the house and would eliminate anyone having to get out of bed and shut the compressor off when it does start up at 3 AM ;)
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