Help with the "quickbend" app, and center of bend dimensions

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New User
Austin TX
Hi folks, new member here. I'm adding outlets and lights to my shop (metal building), and I'm bending conduit for the first time. I watched some videos on youtube and some simple bends have gone OK (not great, but OK :) Now I have to do a composition 90 in the corner, so I downloaded the QuickBend app from the app store. It looks great, has all kinds of bends and lets me put in the exact bender that I'm using. However I don't understand the bend diagram that it shows me. It looks like it's giving me dimensions from center of bend to center of bend, but I don't know how to translate that to where the bender arrow goes to make the bend.

So for example I measured the distance to the corner as 74 1/2" for the first leg, and it looks like the app calculated 62 1/16" as the distance to the center of the bend. Fair enough, but where do I place the bender arrow to end up with the center of the bend there? I'd like to attach a screen shot of the app but I don't see how I can upload photos.
Thanks for any suggestions,

Dennis Alwon

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Chapel Hill, NC
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