Helping out the town with some part time electrical inspections.The regular inspector was on vacation. Asked to cover for him. 3 to 4 a day for a week.
I went to bill the building dept. $25 per and the building inspector said too much! he will pay $15 a hour. and should be 1/2 each. The regular inspector
is my 30 year mentor and friend. so i did not make a fuss. btw,this is Wayland Massacusetts. You do the math.
I went to bill the building dept. $25 per and the building inspector said too much! he will pay $15 a hour. and should be 1/2 each. The regular inspector
is my 30 year mentor and friend. so i did not make a fuss. btw,this is Wayland Massacusetts. You do the math.