heres a nice trunk slammer for ya

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Senior Member
I was out grabbing some food earlier, and I saw this trunk slammer phone guy. Sorry for the crappy cellphone pic. Green ford escort station wagon, stick on letters with 'phone jacks' his phone number, and something about installing phone systems on it. 2 ladders on the roof of the car, green homedeopt 150lb fiberglass ladder (the one you buy your wife to use while watering her plants) and a 16-20' aluminum extension ladder. I am SO going to hire this guy to wire my new 30,000 phone system :roll:

(photo 'unapproved' by Moderator because of visible phone numbers)
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Be careful now. 5 years from now this guy might OWN you.

I am proud of anybody that works for themselves, even the guy with a lawn mower in the back of his truck...or car.

At least they are working.
220/221 said:
Be careful now. 5 years from now this guy might OWN you.

I am proud of anybody that works for themselves, even the guy with a lawn mower in the back of his truck...or car.

At least they are working.

As long as they play with the same rules all others who play by the rules do.
Such as insurance...if they are not paying for insurance, it is not just unfair competition, but could be costly for the customer in the long run.
I think there's a company around here like that that has all old vega and pinto station wagons, tricked out like that with green spray paint. but I'm pretty sure they are all union :grin:
wireguru said:
Green ford escort station wagon, stick on letters with 'phone jacks' his phone number, and something about installing phone systems on it. 2 ladders on the roof of the car, green homedeopt 150lb fiberglass ladder (the one you buy your wife to use while watering her plants) and a 16-20' aluminum extension ladder.

I don't get it. You are judging the guy because of the tools and vehicle he owns. You can have the best golf clubs in America and not be capable of striking the ball. So what-- he has crappy equipment.

I started with an old 7' step van and very few tools. Now I make hundreds of millions a year. Not true but you get my point.
Dennis Alwon said:
I don't get it. You are judging the guy because of the tools and vehicle he owns. You can have the best golf clubs in America and not be capable of striking the ball. So what-- he has crappy equipment.

Appearance is everything in business whether you like it or not or whether its a fair judgment or not.
wireguru said:
I was out grabbing some food earlier, and I saw this trunk slammer phone guy. Sorry for the crappy cellphone pic. Green ford escort station wagon, stick on letters with 'phone jacks' his phone number, and something about installing phone systems on it. 2 ladders on the roof of the car, green homedeopt 150lb fiberglass ladder (the one you buy your wife to use while watering her plants) and a 16-20' aluminum extension ladder. I am SO going to hire this guy to wire my new 30,000 phone system :roll:

So he's got a crappy ladder? You have a crappier cellphone camera. I would so not let him near a $30,000.00 phone system as well, but I'll bet @ $100.00-$150.00 he just perfect for an extention cat5 computer jack for your $650.00 laptop, when the local EC or "wannabee-but-not-quite-an-electrical-contractor-low voltage - data bltch shop is charging that just to look at the job.
Dennis Alwon said:
I don't get it. You are judging the guy because of the tools and vehicle he owns. You can have the best golf clubs in America and not be capable of striking the ball. So what-- he has crappy equipment.

I started with an old 7' step van and very few tools. Now I make hundreds of millions a year. Not true but you get my point.

I understand what you're saying, and im not putting the guy down for not having a brand new sprinter, and having $20k worth of the newest tools.

He isn't licensed (california, you have to put your lic # on anything you advertise on including your vehicle, he would need a C-7 LV license), and he doesnt appear to be properly equipped to do the work he is advertising. If he doesnt have a license or proper equipment, I think it would be safe to say he doesnt have insurance either.

Looking at his setup, again i understand he may not be able to afford a good van, but if he cant even put the time and care into putting some decent labels (which wouldnt have cost much more than his stick on labels) how could I ever think he would do a good job on my wiring?

I wouldnt want that guy falling off of that shoddy aluminum extension ladder while on my building and have his wife sue me because he is paralized and cant provide for her any longer.
LawnGuyLandSparky said:
So he's got a crappy ladder? You have a crappier cellphone camera.

yeah, but I have good ladders :smile:

actually the cellphone camera (blackberry pearl, 1MP camera) takes some beautiful pictures. my holding it steady out the car window while zoomed in is a whole other issue.
tonyou812 said:
wow some of you guys are real harsh. I think it just goes to show you there is a market for everyone.
Yeah, let me tell you, I have no trouble finding work with this sweet ride:

i should add that this was spotted in an area where a 1500' house built in the 1950s costs 750,000 and commercial rents are between $3-$4 per sq/ft monthly
Wish I had a picture of a lawn guy we saw one day. He had many "mottos" on his pick up very nicely done too. One was "Ditches and hoe's is all I know" another was "I'll trim that bush" Yet another "Hoein' aint easy" I can't believe he had any work.
bikeindy said:
Wish I had a picture of a lawn guy we saw one day. He had many "mottos" on his pick up very nicely done too. One was "Ditches and hoe's is all I know" another was "I'll trim that bush" Yet another "Hoein' aint easy" I can't believe he had any work.

you saw my truck ?
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