Here's one I haven't heard before.....

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Senior Member
Inspector says that techinally a "used" panel from a job being "re-used" needs to be recertified. What??? Where does it say this??? Anyone else heard of this?
Inspector says that techinally a "used" panel from a job being "re-used" needs to be recertified. What??? Where does it say this??? Anyone else heard of this?

If your saying an existing panel being reused in it's present location 'as is', no circuits added or subtracted, then I would say no, it doesn't need to be re-inspected.
Recertified by who? What does recertified even mean? How do people come up with this stuff? :confused:

Typically what they mean (and I cannot guess what is in this inspectors head) re-certified means a NRTL inspects the panel. I think personally your inspector is full of baloney.
Ask for for the proof?

We keep old panels, CB's , xmfr's, HPC's, bolted pressure switches and rent them all the time for emergencies. We test them prior to and after inspection but have never had any issues with inspectors in Virginia, Washington DC and maryland.
Inspector says that techinally a "used" panel from a job being "re-used" needs to be recertified. What??? Where does it say this??? Anyone else heard of this?

Could the inspector simply mean
that you have to have another "inspection"
to include the newly installed (used) panel box???

Similar to as stated by Pierre, The Florida Building Code indicates used equipment and materials are only permitted if deemed acceptable to the AHJ. The AHJ can stipulate the method and /or procedures one must do or provide to the AHJ for them to make that determination. Field evaluation is one such method. Another would be some sort of affidavit detailing compliance and suitability of use.
here is what the city of los angeles has to say about used equipment -it is up to them to determine if the used equipment is in satisfactory condition.

(Added by Ord. No. 154,234, Eff. 9/8/80.)

(a) Any used or secondhand material, including any fitting, device, appliance, apparatus, or other equipment reinstalled for electric wiring shall comply with the following provisions:

1. All such equipment shall be in good, satisfactory and durable condition, and adequate and satisfactory for the purpose intended or used, all of the foregoing to be determined by the Department. Such equipment must also comply with all requirements of Division 4 regarding approval.

2. No used or secondhand insulated conductors shall be used for services or for circuits operating at more than 250 volts.

(b) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to waive any other specific requirements of the Code, including requirements for nameplates, enclosure of live parts, horsepower rating of switches, or protection from corrosion.
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