Hermetic seal-off in CID1 explosion proof box

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R&D engineer
Does anybody know if the hermetic seal-off is an approved method for CID1 explosion-proof box seal-offs? I have the fiber optic cable that is entering into the CID1 explosion-proof box and wants to make it such a way so it is factory sealed but without going through any UL/NEC approval process. Is anybody out there who does fiber-optic feed-through that is suitable for an installation on explosion-proof boxes.
Please let me know. Any suggestion or help really appreciated!
generally such a seal would need to be UL listed as explosion proof for use in class 1, division 1 areas.

you could just buy such a seal and install it. no special approval would be required.

I am not sure what you mean by "hermetic seal", but I suspect it is not listed for the area classification you want to use it in.
thanks @petersonra

Hermetic sealing widely used in the feed-throughs for high-pressure applications but I doubt that hermetic seals are approved for the CID1 area.
See Section 500.7(J). Hermetic sealing is not a recognized protection technique in Class I, Division 1.
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