High-bay lights & protective covers

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Senior Member
New Jersey
Electrical Contractor
Does anyone know if protective covers (lenses) are required on high-bay light fixtures ? I recently replaced a 150 watt, metal halide (completely enclosed) light fixture in a beauty supply shop with a 4-lamp, 4', T-5, high output, high bay fluorescent light fixture. The lighting now in that area is far superior to what was existing. This shop has about 20, 150 watt metal halide fixtures and the most horrible lighting scheme I've ever seen for this type of store. A lot of the light is lost illuminating the walls and ceilings instead of focusing on the merchandise for sale. Some metal halide bulbs are bright and some are losing their brilliance. As far as I know lenses would be required in food service or patient care areas. Any opinions or Code references are appreciated. Thanks.
with metal-halide lamps you have to take 410.130(F)(5) into consideration.
Lamps, other than type "O" require a lens or containment barrier in code-speak.
Thanks Augie. I'm not sure if a T-5, 4' lamp is considered a type "O" bulb. I understand why a metal halide bulb would require protection in the event of explosion. The high-bay, high output fluorescent fixture that used locks the tube in place so it cannot fall out from vibration. I've never seen a fluoresent fixture bulb explode but that's not to say that it can't happen. The bottom of the fixture is currently sitting about 12-13 feet aff.
Thanks Augie. I'm not sure if a T-5, 4' lamp is considered a type "O" bulb. I understand why a metal halide bulb would require protection in the event of explosion. The high-bay, high output fluorescent fixture that used locks the tube in place so it cannot fall out from vibration. I've never seen a fluoresent fixture bulb explode but that's not to say that it can't happen. The bottom of the fixture is currently sitting about 12-13 feet aff.

The type "O" lamp designation only applies to the metal halide lamp and is an NEC requirement mostly because of violent end of life that sometimes occurs with this lamp type. Otherwise NEC doesn't have much to say about lamp protection other then maybe from other physical abuse issues.

Food and health codes would be where you need to look to know if any lamp protection is needed here. If it is just a supply store selling packaged goods chances are no protection is necessary. If food and drug products are directly exposed to possible contamination then you may need protection.

I know you can get T8 lamps that have a teflon coating that are usually considered acceptable for such applications, haven't run into a T5 lamp in such areas but they may be abailable. If the lamp breaks the teflon coating contains it.
Thanks K. Information I received from my supply house is that they are not required but that doesn't mean they're correct. I'll try calling the State or local EI and ask him.
opps...sorry mis-read did not catch where you had replace the MH fixtures.
Thanks K. Information I received from my supply house is that they are not required but that doesn't mean they're correct. I'll try calling the State or local EI and ask him.
The EI generally doesn't care as they are usually only enforcing NEC, and NEC does not require such protection, it is food and drug or other product or health safety codes that would require lamp containment.
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