high frequency transients and cfl lamps

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On facebook I just saw a story about high frequency transient currents purportedly caused by cfl lamps. Further, that these currents or 'dirty electricity' as it was called can exacerbate certain health problems including sugar levels in diabetics, increased need for inhalers in asthmatics, and more severe symptoms experienced by those with MS. Is there anything to this story and is there anything I should be saying to my clients about it? This story was posted by CBC.CA/montrealatsix.
While you are at it, be sure to mention that the sky is falling. :roll:

For my part, I have no interest in trying to find and read that article. The statements are absurd, and the source has no authority.
Just for fun I Google'd some articles on "cfl bulbs health problems" just to see what would turn up. I especially liked one article that talked about how they contain mercury vapor and how toxic it is to the nervous system if inhaled. I cannot argue that point but if I'm sitting around smashing CFL's, T8's, T12's and inhaling the gas, I shouldn't be too surprised at the consequences. The article then proceeded to say how everyone should buy a specific brand of LED bulbs. Marketing by fear :roll:

Oh yes, and the sky IS falling!
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