High Hats: 6" or 5"

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Senior Member
Currently in NJ
This weekend I installed my first 5" recessed housing while helping a friend/contractor. I asked him why he doesn't use 6's and mentioned he thinks it's a new trend, to use smaller housing/trims. So, I'm just curious how many out there feel the same, are you using 5" or 6" for general lighting.
mark32 said:
This weekend I installed my first 5" recessed housing while helping a friend/contractor. I asked him why he doesn't use 6's and mentioned he thinks it's a new trend, to use smaller housing/trims. So, I'm just curious how many out there feel the same, are you using 5" or 6" for general lighting.

I still use the H7 cans by Halo but I just finished a new house with the H5...

I think the new trend is toward the H5 but it is slow in moving around here.
A lot depends on the area you are illuminating. If you have a large room then 6" cans with R-40 bulbs are the way to go. R-40's throw off more light than R-30 bulbs do. On the other hand, if you're illuminating a small kitchen I've been using Juno 5" cans over the counter area with 50 watt PAR bulbs. Lights up well.

Mfr's usually charge more for 5" cans and trims than the 6" ones so sometimes it's a tough call to make.
Ya know.... After several years of hanging out on these type forums - I still can not get why some people call them "High Hats" - Is it like a Cake vs "pop" thing????? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Since I mostly install LV 4" cans - can someone tell me who makes a 5"? And why that is anything better than a 6" which I see as a 7"? What exactly are we measuring anyway?!?!? :rolleyes: :wink:
I have been using 5" for years. Unless I'm installing them in particularly high ceiling, in that case I will use 6". I actually can't stand the look of 6" cans, too much real estate for not enough pay off. It seems like everyone around here tends to put in 6" cans and then install R30's which makes absolutely no sense to me. If you are going to use the larger can, at least use the appropritate lamp. It makes it look like there are giant doughnuts on the ceiling.
ishium 80439 said:
I have been using 5" for years. Unless I'm installing them in particularly high ceiling, in that case I will use 6". I actually can't stand the look of 6" cans, too much real estate for not enough pay off. It seems like everyone around here tends to put in 6" cans and then install R30's which makes absolutely no sense to me. If you are going to use the larger can, at least use the appropritate lamp. It makes it look like there are giant doughnuts on the ceiling.

Depending on the can, some 6" cans are only good for an R30.

We switched from 6" to 5" a few years ago.
ishium 80439 said:
It seems like everyone around here tends to put in 6" cans and then install R30's which makes absolutely no sense to me. If you are going to use the larger can, at least use the appropritate lamp. It makes it look like there are giant doughnuts on the ceiling.
My thoughts exactly. Most supply houses around here don't stock Halo 5" cans. Halo's solution to a 5" IC can is to use the 6" IC can, restrict the height you can raise the socket and then use their stupid looking concave trim and an R-30 bulb. Looks exactly as you described.

Again, they sell the 6" cans for less than any others. Some contractors in my area really go cheap and use the Lightolier 1160 series. I've used them in the past and my hands are cut to ribbons by the time the rough-in is complete.
IMO while high hats provide good lighting the smaller the fixture the better. Typically we'll use a 5" can with PAR 30 halogen lamps and 3" MR-16 type fixtures for accent lighting.
5" cans look better. I install 6" cans with R40' with a smile when asked, but I always think they look weird. Also, I love 4" in small kitchens, like mine :wink: .
Flipping a coin seems to be the way EC's choose can sizes around here...some use 6", some use 5". There is no rhyme or reason to it.

When I briefly worked at a supply house, the Lightolier cans in both 5 and 6" sizes sold equally well.
peter d said:
Flipping a coin seems to be the way EC's choose can sizes around here...some use 6", some use 5". There is no rhyme or reason to it.

When I briefly worked at a supply house, the Lightolier cans in both 5 and 6" sizes sold equally well.

How bout the black baffle? ;) :grin:
stickboy1375 said:
How bout the black baffle? ;) :grin:

Nobody bought those, thankfully!!! Maybe had one case (6 pieces) of them in stock at all times....and reordered them once a month, if that.

Most common seller was the 1176 or 1076 white baffle trims. Sold pallets of those....

Lately I've been ripping out black baffles and replacing them with white...what a surprise. ;)
Mr.Sparkle said:
5" cans look better. I install 6" cans with R40' with a smile when asked, but I always think they look weird. Also, I love 4" in small kitchens, like mine :wink: .
Sometimes the four inch just doesn't seem to have enough oomph when they are installed in a big room. and to compensate you might have to install a few more which in turn makes the ceiling look like Swiss cheese. With the new GU MR16 bulbs I don't know why anyone bothers with LV cans anymore? Old technology as far as I'm concerned .And I think the manufacureres just like selling expensive LV cans so they can make more money per unit.They are right up there with flouresant hight hats. with all the new compact flouresant bulb what is the point of them.what is the benefit? They cost more, but other than that you get the same light with the new bulbs. I like to "layer" the lighting when possible. Meaning a combination of different lights, H7's, sconces, pendants, so that the light is coming at different angles. And besides most people never really bother to look up at H7's I think its just an EC thing like looking a services or pipe work at the local home center.
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I don't think many people would see a differance between 5" & 6" if you used the same style trim and R30 bulb.

I remember one place had a ton of 5" cans all over. They called us up and wanted 2 more cans cut in 3 small changing rooms. Did not look at the job because I thought I remembered it well. Putting the 5" cans in and not till we were half done did we realize the changing room existing cans were 6". No one ever noticed the optical alusion how the cans further away looked a hair smaller.

Cutting in the cans, drilling thru the can hole in the cieling, and fishing I want the biggest opening posable without damage. I want some 12" remodels.

They cost me more. Then the customer says why do they cost more if they are smaller?
One of the good things about this site is getting opinions from others in the trade and seeing things from different angles. I brushed off the idea of using 5's in the recent past just because I've always used 6's. This morning I put a can (Halo 5" ICAT) together with a trim (Halo 5001) along with a par 30L and it looks pretty good, better than a 6" I think with the same bulb and R30 trim, although the trim (Halo 5001) has preset depth settings so with the par 30L the bulb is almost flush with the trim and on the R30 setting and a BR30 the bulb sits up fairly deep, not sure which I like better.
Just wanted to say I agree with tonyOU812 about using the GU10's instead of LV fixtures, aside from being pricey the connectors for the LV bulbs are less than desirable, as most of you are aware.
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