High Pitch Frequency?

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Senior Member
Customer asked me about installing " Anything to stop neighbors dog from barking"!?!?

They already tried those things that plug in and emit a high pitch frequency (H.P.F.)to train the dogs not to bark. It Didn't work.

Is there any sort of electrically powered H.P.F. system that is both NEC compliant for a dwelling and powerful enough to be effective for this type of situation?



EC, Westchester, New York NEC: 2014
Hawthorne, New York NEC: 2014
Re: High Pitch Frequency?

I doubt there is anything that they can do from their end other than annoying the cops until they do something like giving the owner a summons to appear in court. There is always the option of a civil suit also to encourage the owner into taking some action.

From what I understand a very effective method for the dog owner is a bark collar that delivers a mild shock to the dog each time it barks. They soom learn not to bark and the collar will no longer be needed.



Senior Member
Re: High Pitch Frequency?


Maybe they could use a sound actuated Tesla Coil,same thing as the collar only it works a lot quicker.

If you ever find something that works,please P.M. me, I've got the same problem.



brian john

Senior Member
Leesburg, VA
Re: High Pitch Frequency?

I will tell you this, My dogs took to running (I have a new neighbor that has pot belly pigs). I have lived here 14 years without a problem. But, I could not have my dogs trespassing or eating pork. So I put in a wireless fence, I was skeptical at first, but with minimal training the dogs have learned and do quit well.

One side effect I have noticed a major increase in the wild rabbit population.


Senior Member
Re: High Pitch Frequency?

Well, I suggest the "Davedottcom Method". Simply install outdoor speakers facing their home, (guitar amps work much better) anytime the hound is yiping simply insert a previously recorded tape of the most offensive Howard Stern Show you can find. His voice has so much bass, (Although I recommend increasing the bass setting much higher than normal!) it overpowers the yiping and the delinquent pet owners get the picture unless they are Stern fans...than you could get the CD "Who Let The Dogs Out?" and just hit REPEAT.

Of course following all the opropriate NEC articles for the speaker wiring!
Let me know if it works!



Senior Member
Re: High Pitch Frequency?

Originally posted by benaround:

Maybe they could use a sound actuated Tesla Coil,same thing as the collar only it works a lot quicker.
The problem is, the ignorant dog owner's don't feel it's a problem.
These people can't put a collar on their neighbors dog...well not without breaking some laws! They are in need of a way they can control the dog from their own house, legally and non-violently.
The only thing I can think of is to be able to send the high frequency sound the dog hates Every time it barks. Even if it has to be controlled manually. I'm sure it wouldn't take the dog long to be trained.

Does anyone know how that kind of frequecy can be achieved?



Senior Member
Re: High Pitch Frequency?

Simply install outdoor speakers facing their home, (guitar amps work much better)
Especially if I'm operating the thing just to see what it can do. :cool:


Staff member
Retired Electrician
Re: High Pitch Frequency?

Tell them to move back to where they had antibarking laws! :D



Senior Member
Re: High Pitch Frequency?

You know what they do with hyper children?

They give them stimulants in order to deplete their energy.

Give the doggie something to bark at until it just plain can't bark anymore.


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...............................e...... .................er............oo..

[ June 14, 2005, 11:07 PM: Message edited by: physis ]


Senior Member
Re: High Pitch Frequency?

Usually the best solution is to let the police handle this. Have them advise the police they wish to make a formal complaint on this. This may require them signing a violation and having to go to court, but once the owner gets cited and pays a fine, perhaps they will control their animals.

Now off the record, after dealing with the police a couple of times and there was no resolution.........I would take the law into my own hands (eliminate the dogs).......and trust me there wouldn't be any witnesses. I hate neighbors like this.


Senior Member
Re: High Pitch Frequency?

Nah, don't hurt the doggie. I've known people with perfectly nice dogs, they put 'em outside and the dogs get all sad and noisy. It's an owner problem. They either don't know what to do (more than likely) or their neighbors peace isn't important to them.


Senior Member
Re: High Pitch Frequency?

I would hope that you wouldn't take my comment seriously. I agree, go after the owner and not the abused animals. :D


Senior Member
Re: High Pitch Frequency?

We know Charlie, and stud696981 we know what you mean is: To rescue the poor little pooch and give him to a home where he is not abused.

Now, c'mon, I know One of you Electrical Geeks ( :D ) knows how to make a High Pitch Frequency that would rock that Dog's World...let's have it!

They do sell dog whistles. I could hook up a little air pump to blow through it!?!?
500lb compressor with remote control should work!

Applying the 430 articles of course!


George Stolz

Staff member
Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: High Pitch Frequency?

You can do what my Dad's doing: erecting a fence that the stupid dog can't see through. I imagine if that doesn't work, I'll be on the roof with a BB gun, in full camo spittin' sunflower seeds, chain-smoking and waiting for the target...

But probably not. :D

The wife would not allow me back in the house if she saw this... :D


Senior Member
Re: High Pitch Frequency?

doggie treats with doggie sleping pills.

as far as the amps go, i'll tell you something that has worked for me twice, and I don't actually have any barry manilow records or tapes. Some one across the creek from me, in a really quiet rural neighborhood, went to sleep with a tape or record on loud. and it was late. I went out on my deck and bellowed "if you don't shut that........ off, I have 200 watts of Barry Manilow." i don't know if they shut it off or if some other terrified neighbor went in and shut it off.

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