high rise

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Senior Member
ridgewood, n.j.
my question is if any ec worked in any high rise apt buildings . i have a job coming up in n.j. in a high rise apt. building {about 25 floors}. there isn't any load increase, the kitchen is being remodeled with the appliances, lights,recepts. being replaced and relocated. can anyone tell me is there any code to be aware of for this area of work? their panel is a 12 circuit with no main federal pacificthe . is there an issue working with this panel and am i required to informed them about fpe? what about replacment cb? do they remove the danger? thanks for any replies.

all the work is contained in the kitchen only and there isn't any new circuits to be added.
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Aside from the "Faulty Power Equipment" panel issues, take into consideration the bldg. work hrs., access to the service elevator, lost man hrs. going up and down and bldg. insurance requirements. Also protecting common areas with paper on the floor ect. We bid them high because we don't need the work. If we get them it's gravy.
You might have a hard time getting AFCI's for a FPE panel... If you need them. And with working in a building type you might be unfamiliar with in terms of fire-stopping and allowable building materials.
puckman said:
my question is if any ec worked in any high rise apt buildings . i have a job coming up in n.j. in a high rise apt. building {about 25 floors}.
Are you doing ALL units on ALL floors..or just selected units?

puckman said:
can anyone tell me is there any code to be aware of for this area of work?
I would think that by sticking to 210.52 (et al) you would be fine.
This may be the ONE instance (IMHO) that my beloved Rehab Code ([Rules That Make Sense?New Jersey?s Rehabilitation Subcode] would NOT apply.

puckman said:
their panel is a 12 circuit with no main federal pacificthe . is there an issue working with this panel and am i required to informed them about fpe?
Of course there is an issue when working with FPE panels ;) ...but is there a requirement to tell the HO about it? Probably not.
IMHO, I would inform the HO of the Class Action Lawsuit and settlement from 4/2005....although the timeframe for filing a claim is past, it doesn't hurt to let your customers know of the situation.
I think I have a copy of the Notice reqarding the Settlement terms...PM me and I'll see if I can find it.

puckman said:
what about replacment cb? do they remove the danger?
The "problem" with FPE was not entirely with the CB. Some of the issue was the bus itself and the connection to that bus by the CB.

[Federal Pacific Electric (FPE) Electrical Hazards Website]

When I come across FPE equipment, I usually give the HO a folder containing the Settlement Notice as well as the ENTIRE Hazard/Hype document - they can make their own decision w/o feeling I am "pressuring" them into uneccessary repairs.

puckman said:
all the work is contained in the kitchen only and there isn't any new circuits to be added.
There may be some required....the "Rehab Code" is NOT a catch all. Sometimes "[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Not New, But Safe", [/FONT]isn't enough. You may need to follow 210.52 if these requirements are not present....BUT, ask the AHJ before you commit to a price.
high rise

we are working in one apt. only and i have always infom my customers of the issue with fpe , but i am thinking about the other tenants (i bet 200 or more) what trouble this might cause. i am working for a gc with this job, but i think the customer has the right to know about this. what about the owner of the building does anyone think they know about fpe? should i speak to the gc about this issue? thanks for all the replys.
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Are these apartments or condos?

If they are apartments, the person to contact would be the Landlord ~ quite possibly being an LLC or some other type of corporations.

If they are condos, the person to contact would be the HOA president.

In both cases, these particular entities may have been made aware of the Class Action Notice (and the FPE issue) back in '05.

I am not sure that I would involve the GC here as his input may be limited to only tacking on a percentage to your price for his "services" and pesenting it to the property owner.
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