Home Generator Grounding

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When you install a home standby generator, ther is a ground lug installed on the metal enclosure. The manufacturer states in the installation instructions that you have to install a ground rod next to the generator and ground the enclosure to the ground rod. I have been told by local inspectors that the generator cabinet must be tied to the ground/neutral buss in the main electrical panel so all grounds are common. Which is correct? Please quote section of NEC. :eek:

[ March 14, 2005, 07:15 AM: Message edited by: arpech ]
Re: Home Generator Grounding

so, according to Ed's diagram, it looks like..

you simply make a jumper from the generator frame to the the main service's grounding rod. Is that correct?
Re: Home Generator Grounding

The manufactures directions are to cover the manufacutres interest. You may ground the generator whether it is SDS or not. It is only required by the NEC if the neutral is switched making it an SDS, otherwise not required but permitted.
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