There is an Ad in the back of Popular Science reading.."You can earn up to $56,000 per year as a home inspector"
Its a home study & exam course, cost $700 & you get a nifty tool bag with a level, 3 screw drivers, tape measure, and binoculars.
Most of(not all) these inspectors have no construction or remodel experience, are on their 3rd try to find a career. But when they make a list of repairs that will earn me money, I can't get too upset.
In every real estate transaction there are 4 emotionally attached people. Buyer, seller & usually 2 realtors.
By agreeing with their reports I can make 3 out of 4 of the real estate transaction happy. The buyer is happy and 2 Realtors because the deal closes on time. the only one a little unhappy is the seller paying for repairs.
Every one of these inspection reports exposes you to 3 potential new customers too!