Re: Home owner work during heavy up outage
About 150F should do it. I was just trying to find a humorous way of saying that unless you advertise a free service call with every service change, then you have to charge. It's just business. People get upset all the time and they get over it. Not long ago I had a customer get upset because she called an appliance repairman to fix a disposal and he told her to call an electrician ( after charging her $90.00 ). I replaced a bad switch and charged around $170.00 for the service call ( twenty miles each way in heavy traffic ). Now the lady has $260.00 in a $4.00 switch ( Heavy Duty ) and about 15 minutes of labor. She wants to know why my bill is higher than the appliance repairman's bill. I explain that she is only paying the minimum charge and the fact that she had to give the appliance repairman a minimum charge has nothing to do with it. I told her that if the repairman had wanted to be a nice guy that he could have legally changed out the switch ( considered minor electrical). She said it was against his company policy to touch anything electrical. I said that it was our company policy to have a two hour minimum charge and seems to be the industry standard. As she writes the check I can see that she is holding back the tears of frustration. As I'm driving away I think maybe I should have given Mom a break, No , business is business.
( The Mom part is fiction but the rest is true, just making the story more interesting).