Home router

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What is your definition of HMI? I found one that says Human Machine Interface...

Do you receive any emails?

You need to check The Instructions for your router. Does it have any way to block certain addresses from accessing your private (home) network? Are any addresses being blocked?
Some outgoing mail servers require a "sent from" email address that matches the account email address. This is to prevent non customers from using their servers. I just had the your same issue with a piece of network gear that would not send emails from my mail server and have not had time to sort out why. I just used a different email address/server for the time being with no issue so I know my issue is not with my own network.
I've attempted two different email addresses and servers along with many other options.

Attempted to get on to the router but I see the password has been changed. I suspect when the Internet provider was here. They should have it but I know it's written down on something around here.
Sounds like something you need to take up with C-more tech support. May have to open a port. Why do you have something like this in your home? Apparently it can send alerts via Email, that's about it.

Attempted to get on to the router but I see the password has been changed. I suspect when the Internet provider was here. They should have it but I know it's written down on something around here.

Get your own router!

Sounds like something you need to take up with C-more tech support. May have to open a port. Why do you have something like this in your home? Apparently it can send alerts via Email, that's about it.

I may have to. I do have a post on their forum.
Why do I have it here?
Because I can.
I don't do as much motor control and PLC work as I used to and this is part of the test setup I had.
That and it tracks my home well data, monitors our Hog Roaster temperatures once a year (tells us when/where to add a log) and I wanted to know when someone pushes the door bell button even if I'm not home.

I do not have the Headless HMI.
Oh, and it also depends on which TCP email submission port is being used. Some ISPs (and routers) block port 25 (SMTP) completely or unless it's going to their server. Outgoing email should usually use 587 or 465, both generally require some sort of authentication.
Oh, and it also depends on which TCP email submission port is being used. Some ISPs (and routers) block port 25 (SMTP) completely or unless it's going to their server. Outgoing email should usually use 587 or 465, both generally require some sort of authentication.
I run into that with some of the equipment I work with. Apparently the SMTP features in this gear are part of the Ethernet module and can't be upgraded to support STARTTLS, etc. I had to set up a smtp2go.com account for that stuff.
STARTTLS is an encrypted connection and usually carries a login option. (Anything is more "secure" than plain SMTP, which isn't encrypted or authenticated at all.)

FWIW, most "internet of things" devices, as well as those designed for a controlled industrial network, are probably low on any kind of security.
Its likely an issue with your ISP blocking it. I had a similar issue with my office copier where I couldn't get it to send emails and being older it wouldn't use any of the ssl encrypted stuff our email provider forces so I couldn't make an account for it on our regular email service, nor would it work with the ISPs email server. I ended up setting up the free version account at SMTP2GO.com and ultimately began using it for all sorts of device email sending situations.
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