Hooking Up Transfer Switch


Washington, Ga
Electrical Apprentice
On an old house that has a 3 wire SEU cable, can we use that to hook up a generator transfer switch at the utility pole? Or would we have to change the SEU to an SER? And where is this in the electrical code book? Thanks!
Generally speaking, SEU on the line side of your 1st (service) disconnect and SER after but the devil is in the details.
250.24(A)(5) would likely be one of the best references.
That is a simple question with a complicated answer.
Is the TS service entrance rated?
The POCO meter is on the pole?
Most of the time the easiest solution is a load side feed to the ATS, off the main disconnect.

If you can’t do that and need to put the ATS between the meter and first disco, you will more than likely have to upgrade to a 4 wire feeder to what will now be a subpanel, and the N-G bond will have to be separated there.

And if the main is listed as “Service Equipment Only”, like some SqD I’ve come across, you’ll have to do a panel change.

Why it’s usually much easier and simpler to do a load side feed. 👍

Do you have a schematic and/or pics of your setup?
How far is the genny from the ATS? You will need raceways for power and signal.
Is the meter on the poco pole?
Who owns the pole?
How will you mount the ATS?
I don’t know distances but might be easier to mount ATS on house close to genny.