Hoping to settle a bet!

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New User
Ocala, FL
a friend just had an over-the-range microwave installed. The installer had to drill a hole thru the cabinet for the power cord. The installer did not use a bushing in the hole. Is a bushing required? (Somebody has to buy lunch for the other depending on who is correct!)
See 422.16(B)(2)(5)...the only bushing requirement is for dishwashers and trash compactors.
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a friend just had an over-the-range microwave installed. The installer had to drill a hole thru the cabinet for the power cord. The installer did not use a bushing in the hole. Is a bushing required? (Somebody has to buy lunch for the other depending on who is correct!)
What code are you under?
In most all dishwasher installations i have seen, the electrical cord is passed thru the hole that the drain line and water feed occupy.
Typically this hole is 1/12 or larger. I can't possibly seeing anyone installing a grommet or bushing here.
I say no bushing needed through wood, while a hole in metal could damage wire.
I believe you are correct, as all the microwaves I’ve installed come with this (what is this for) plastic edge guard for metal cabinets. Although I haven’t seen a metal cabinet used since the 50-60’s
What does the MFG instructions say. Most I have seen show drilling a hole and routing the cord. They even say leave these instructions for the electrical inspector.
What if your argument included the plastic clip for the cord ( power supply cord clamp) Now that would be a violation. ? Who does that.
I say no on grommet as well.
Too much picking of nits here. Just protect the cord from abrasion if necessary and move on. Not all instances will be subject to much for abrasion.
a friend just had an over-the-range microwave installed. The installer had to drill a hole thru the cabinet for the power cord. The installer did not use a bushing in the hole. Is a bushing required? (Somebody has to buy lunch for the other depending on who is correct!)
I have never seen a bushing installed in this application.
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