I understand I.N.'s are not "Code". But they are an interpretation of the code. So obviously, someone is interpreting a waiting room as a Category 4 patient space. So, in your opinion, when IS a waiting room a Support Space, and when is it not? The only thing I can think of is possibly in the hospitals disaster plan, if it specifies that the waiting room be used for patient care in certain disasters, then it is a Support Space. And if it is not included in the disaster plan, then it is not? Not trying to be stubborn or argumentative. But here's where my chain of thinking keeps going:
517.12-517.13 say that the redundant grounding is required in Patient Care Spaces.
517.10 (B)(1) says that Part II does not apply to ".......waiting rooms, and the like in clinics, medical and dental offices, and outpatient facilities (which I would say a 24 hr inpatient facility is none of these things.
So that leads me to the definition of what a Patient Care Area actually is. A Category 4 space, in the opinion of the someone the NFPA trusts(which I'm sure they approve all Informational Notes that are published in their codebooks), a waiting room either can or should be considered a Category 4 space. I am looking for a definitive answer to what would either classify it as a Category 4 Patient Care Space , or not. Where is the line in the sand, so to speak?