Hot and cold water bonding

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have brand new three stories buildings. First floor is offices and 2nd and third floor dwelling units.

I have underground water metal pipe as grounding electrode at this site and used as grounding electrode main service disco.

The plans still calls for hot and cold water pipe be bonded. I looked at NEC 2014 Section 250.104(A) but I am confused. In my case with building described above would hot and cold water pipe need to be bonded?
Hot water piping is not specifically spelled out but metal water piping and other metal piping must be bonded. With so much plastic used in many plumbing fixtures there is no assurance that the hot water will be bonded when bonding the cold so many juruisdictions call for a jumper between the hot and cold. This is often accomplished at the hot water heater.
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