Hot bus


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Master electrician
Hey Mike, I have a question. I’m dealing with the main service panel that has a mechanical bus connected to the load side of the utility meter with no main breaker. I wanted to know if you can land a PV/battery breaker on the bus without their being overcurrent protection device isolating, the grid from the bus and if you have a code reference that I can look this up
Short answer is yes. See 705.11.

Longer answer involves asking if the 2020 NEC is in force in your jurisdiction, and whether the AHJ will allow an additional breaker in a existing main-lug-only service panel. A main-lug-only service panel is prohibited in the 2020 and 2023 versions of the NEC, although there is an exception 2023 for existing panels that were compliant when installed under earlier codes.
Also, Mike Holt doesn't contribute to these forums; he just sponsors them.
This is an interesting topic to me. I actually signed up to talk about this. I want to get enough posts so that I can send a private message to you.