" Hot Stick Testing "

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My boss is in another facility doing a safety audit . Someone brought up hot stick testing . He asked if we have to have them tested . I told him no as we only use them to open and close bus switches about 12 ft above the floor . Maybe put a " Not For Energized Work " sticker on them but I don't see why they would have to be tested . We nothing inside or outside around the building that's even open to get to even if you wanted to play lineman . Does anyone have a different opinion on this ?
The bus switches are never energized during any possible switching?
So you are not using the "hot stick" as a "hot stick", as in it never contacts energized components?

If so seems you are operating a handle that could be operated with bare hands, just happens to be allowed to be out of reach in your situation, I don't think you would even need something with a volt rating for that sort of use, as long as there isn't any open energized components within a certain range of it's intended use.
Something has got to be energized at some point in time one would think.
Wouldn't hurt to put an ohmmeter on them. If they read low resistance, they aren't of much use per my opinion.
These are not contacting anything hot . They're extend to 10 ft . Perfect to reach the 480 volt bus switch handle from the floor and hang a tag out device on the handle
These are not contacting anything hot . They're extend to 10 ft . Perfect to reach the 480 volt bus switch handle from the floor and hang a tag out device on the handle
Sorry, I’m failing to see how a bus switch handle isn’t hot.
If it isn’t hot you could extend a handle and put it at ground level, throw away the stick
Because it's designed to be touched by a human? Most industrial bus(way) switches are fully enclosed and insulated.
Your right, I see that now. I haven’t dealt with many of those at all.
im used to hot switches
From my experience in the utility world, there are 2 concepts on hot sticks. One is if it is deemed your primary protection, then it is wiped clean before each use and they are tested yearly. The other is that your primary protection is not the hot stick but your insulated rubber gloves which are inspected before each use and tested every 6 months. The hot stick is used for various work practices especially to give distance on arc flash, MAD, work on higher voltages that can't be gloved.

In the use of what the OP was indicating, it would seem that the hot stick is used to able to operate a disconnect switch that is inaccessible from the floor, not for any particular safety reason. The voltage that the disconnect switch is at is probably 208 or 480 and typically hot sticks are rated at 100,000 V per foot. If you want to be extra cautious, you should train on the use, have moisture eater wipes to clean the stick before each use, dedicated storage area, etc.
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