Hot Tub Pump Motor Troubleshooting

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I'm having issues with my hot tub pump.
I have a Flo-Master XP2 pump. Its a 240V pump, with 2 windings, one for low speed operation and one for high. the terminals are L-low speed, C- common, H for high speed. When I went to turn on my GFI after it was off for the summer I could not turn it on, it would trip right away. When I unplugged the pump from the control box, I can now turn on my GFI and the display on the tub reads "FLO". I took the pump motor apart, it was full of white crud and white paste. Cleaned it all and also found that the start capacitor is bad, but did not think a bad capacitor would cause it to trip. I then removed the start capacitor and insulated the two wires and plugged the pump back in to the controls including the ground strap. GFI still kicks out. Removed pump again, I measured resistance between all the motor terminals. 10 ohms between C & H terminals, 10 ohms between C & L terminals, 0 ohms between L & H terminals, and about 220-250 KOhms between each of the LCH terminals and ground. Looks like the resistance to ground is too low.. Is this low enough to trip a GFI?
The bearings are fine and shaft turns freely.
I plan to take the motor apart again and use a general cleaner on the windings, then spray it down really well with water and put in an oven at low temp. ~70C to dry for few hrs.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I just spent $500 on a new hot tub cover, and don't want to spend another $300 on a new motor.
Kind regards, Michal.
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