Hot Tub wiring

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Jax, Fl
New to the forum but have viewed several topics in the past. Lots of good info on here. So on Hot tubs (portable), a spa rep will not warranty a bad motor because the line side from the main panel to the spa panel was run in SER cable. The load side is cu and no breakers have ever tripped but claims he cannot warranty it because of the AL line side.
seems to me they are grasping at straws but one would have to read the paperwork. Where does the Cu requirement end. If your branch circuit is copper what if your feeder had been copper then would the service cable to the panel have to be copper ? how about the service drop to the residence ? Seems the only valid requirement would be from the last OCP device to the hot tub but it's more a legal than Code question.
I think you are right.. but how can it possibly make a difference if the size of the SER is large enough to carry the load, what difference would it make. Its obvious the pump failed due to something other than the service and they refuse to warranty it. Just seems like they are trying to get out of paying for it. Wasnt sure if I was missing something..
The manufacturers directions most likely call for it to be in copper.
I think you are right.. but how can it possibly make a difference if the size of the SER is large enough to carry the load, what difference would it make. Its obvious the pump failed due to something other than the service and they refuse to warranty it. Just seems like they are trying to get out of paying for it. Wasnt sure if I was missing something..
It doesn't make a difference I think the Al wire thing is just a line in the script that the techs use. The manufacture's instructions probably do call for Cu wire, but that requirement only covers from the disconnect to the tub. Stay calm and persistent and ask to talk to someone else.
I agree with Dave. The manufacturer can only require copper into the unit not before the disconnect. Are they going to say that the power company must bring copper wiring into the home and the service must be copper wiring? I don't think so.
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