I just had this conversation with a military equipment contractor with a large facilities group, they shared their 28 PAGE ELECTRICAL HOT WORK PERMIT document with me! It requires 6 levels of management approval and typically takes a week to obtain... They are basically hog tied. The basis of this conversation was their desire to replace old switchgear and MCCs with new Arc Resistant versions. When I explained to them that while it does change the PPE requirements for closed-door tasks, nothing changes once the door is open. They will still have to shut down, or suit up and get the permit signed. The looks on their faces was sad to witness, they had been misled by someone else as to the value of AR labeled equipment. It's still valuable, but does NOT allow that process to take place in the way it was promoted by the salesman.
So let that be a lesson by the way. Regardless of what salesmen sometimes say, Arc Resistant labeled equipment (and it must be LABELED by the way) can indeed make a difference in the PPE required for simple tasks performed while the doors are all closed, such as turning breakers or disconnects on or off. AR labeled equipment means HRC 0 if using the tables, as opposed to whatever it might be otherwise based on the incident energy and calculated cal/cm2. But once you crack open a door, that no longer counts for anything. It's bunny suit time!