hotel bidding

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Senior Member
Champaign Il.
Electric Contractor
Do we have any hotel specialty bidders , that use a sq.ft pricing on Hotels.
I have to put together a quick bid on a Holiday Inn Express. Romex wiring, wood framed. 1600 amp 3 phase. Would appreciate any ideas. I just finished
a Comfort suites, ( i only contracted labor) so I know about labor factor involved. Just looking for some other responses. About 40,000 sf. 3 floors. I thinking around $7 sf.


Senior Member
I used to contract hotels...clarion group. the one time I listened to another estimator who had done sq/ft pricing the company lost a ton of money.( we were rushed to finish bid and my then boss aquired the advice of some friends in the business...what a backfire) I have found it is best not to EVER use the square foot method...on anything. first, every ahj is different, some will allow all mc, some none at all, leaving a huge cost in price. second, when changes occur, its very difficult to explain your extra costs with no original cost to begin with. my advice....use take-offs and assemblies. also easier to cost engineer that way (i.e. I reduced rough labor cost by 7% by simply buying a 3/4" screw as opposed to the 1 1/2" screws bought by the foreman. also reduced trim labor costs by 12% by using ideal term-a-nut pigtails. 100 units trimmed in 1 week by 4 guys)...these low profit jobs require a lot of effort from proj. managers to keep profit and reduce bottom line. almost like residential


Senior Member
hotel jobs (new construction) in our area are getting priced and repriced heavily by owners looking for dirt cheap. (then shopped and reshopped)


Senior Member
hotel jobs (new construction) in our area are getting priced and repriced heavily by owners looking for dirt cheap.

yepper, I got out of that business some time ago. alot of companies here doing one for 60 when my bid was 120 and so on...usally the first contractor on the job; they go broke, then insurance steps in to finish. usually pretty messy. my company is usally there after warranty runs dry:grin:
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