EMF is mostly produced when conductors of the same circuit are not run together, placing a metal shield between the source and subject also will do little to nothing to stop the magnetic field generated by wrongly run circuits, Circuits that are run together such as the hots and neutral run all in the same raceway, and cabinet like a meter cabinet will produce very little to no field outside of that raceway or cabinet.
While I have my reservations on this subject, and as was pointed out the saying "Don't let fear be your guide" I will add let the truth be your guide, be careful of where you get your information, there are to many out there that pray on fear of others to make money, do not take everything you hear that flows by on the wind to be the truth.
In my own experience of being an electrician for over 37 years, and many time being around very large EMF fields in industrial and in other places, I would have expected to have something wrong with me a long time ago, I used to work with very high powered radio equipment that produces fields so large no electrical system could ever match, some industrial heating systems that use RF to heat with over a few million watts of power, while it would give us a warm and fuzzy feeling, never seem to harm us or any of the operators, and are still in use as of today.
So in perspective, I suggest to search diligently for the truth in all things, and up most let the truth be your guide, not fear.