House hit by lightning. Great step potential picture.

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just the cowboy

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Got the call you hate to get " your house got hit by lightning and is on fire" . It's a log home and didn't have much damage thankfully. All the led bulbs went and a modem. Look at the photo it was taken in the basement on a dusty floor and an aluminum table. Neat traces but think if the kids cat was on the floor. That is a concrete floor 10 ft from panel think there was current on the ground rod

lightning.jpgMy guess is that the lightning strike set up a huge step potential across the resistance of the concrete floor. The conductive metal legs bridged that resistance gap, so current jumped through them to short-out the areas of high potential. By Big John on ET
That's a table leg in the basement? Wow.

I wonder if something jumped from welded wire mesh in the floor to the table.
Something else to wonder

Something else to wonder

Yes the floor had rebarr in it. But the roof had two layers of 2" double foil sided foam under the plywood. WAS THAT a lightning rod and was that what attracted it, roof is 50' x 18' per side.
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