House Power Saver-up to 25%

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Senior Member
Earlier to-day ,I mentioned snake oil with respect to sales people trying to convince you that you must have a harmonic problem and then try to sell you harmonic mitigation equipment(for a non-existent problem).Continuing on this idea,at a recent trade show the sales reps using a little demo circuit proved that their device could save homeowners big energy$( claim home energy savings up to 25% each month,when you buy their $300 capacitor device.They also claim it will lower deadly emf radiation in your home.(similar to Stetzer filter discussion-refer to power quality thread-last month).This must be the same guys that are also selling the Florida swamp land .Any comments?:)
I am not even gonna click on the link but if they will bring one to my house and it save like they say I will give them half the profits from now on.
ghostbuster said:
This must be the same guys that are also selling the Florida swamp land .Any comments?:)

They told me the land was beach front when I signed the papers...all the brochures looked so lovely...think I should check on the investment?
well "I" clicked the link and some other links after that. they have a pdf file which shows how they 'tested' the device and comes with conclusions and recommendations.

however, the tables indicated show a decrease in AMPS and VA, no decrease in kW ! unless you are being billed in amps and VA, expect no change in your household bill.

until they come up with a claim that households are 'really' being billed in kVAHrs and not in kWHrs !
They say it is a listed product, but listed to what standard? Also I could not find any UL listings for a company with that name, however I am not really sure what the company name is.
don_resqcapt19 said:
They say it is a listed product, but listed to what standard?
According to their handout literature--affiliated companies are--Forum Technologies International--Xium Corporation UL listed
Also they state the product has been "independently tested by a governmental licensed laboratory named Professional Testing(EMI) Inc."
PM me if you want a scanned copy of their handout literature.(file is very large):)
According to their handout literature--affiliated companies are--Forum Technologies International--Xium Corporation UL listed
According to the online UL Certifications Directory, neither of those companies have a UL listed product.
The only way to get a 25% power savings in your home is to use 25% less power or provide more thermal insulation/sealing of openings and between conditioned and un-condition space. There is no magic box that can break the laws of thermodynamics or electrical theory.
bphgravity said:
There is no magic box that can break the laws of thermodynamics or electrical theory.
bphgravity said:
The only way to get a 25% power savings in your home is to use 25% less power or provide more thermal insulation/sealing of openings and between conditioned and un-condition space. There is no magic box that can break the laws of thermodynamics or electrical theory.
I agree, of course. But I would put it another way.

The only way to get an energy savings is to start with a house that is presently wasting energy. Furthermore, the only way this device can save energy is if the house is presently wasting energy by virtue of having a low power factor. If your house is wasting energy because of poor insulation and badly sealed openings, the this device will not save you that energy.

Finally, if your house does have a low power factor (very uncommon, I should think), then even if this device saves energy, that savings will not be reflected on your electric bill. That is because, as has already been pointed out, most utility companies don?t charge most residential customers an extra fee based on power factor.

I believe that those who are pushing this device onto residential customers are aware that it will not perform as advertised. That means that I believe this to be a scam.
Haven't we heard this a million or so times..... Ah my uncle's friend knew this guy that had a cousin with car that had an aftermarket carburetor that could get 100 miles to the gallon???!!!!! PLEASE! So where are the WMD's?
27hillcrest said:
Ah my uncle's friend knew this guy that had a cousin with car that had an aftermarket carburetor that could get 100 miles to the gallon???!!!!!
"My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night." ~ Simone in Ferris Bueller's Day Off
a coworker bought a new mercury everyday we put a quart of gas in his tank.when he went for the 5000 mile check we stopped putting in the fuel. he swore that the dealer did somthing to his car he ranted and raved until someone told him what we did.
There was a mail order auto supply company which sold all kinds of fuel saving gadgets. If you bought all of them, you could run your car on air only!

Another fellow told me that gasoline was half water anyway!?
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