How about this!

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Senior Member
I am trying to post pics from my computer database, and I am not too successful :( . How about a little help? Please


I have thousands of pics, some really good ones.

[ November 02, 2003, 06:48 PM: Message edited by: pierre ]
Re: How about this!

Hi Pierre,

First they have to be uploaded to someone's web server.

Once there, they can be linked to anywhere on the internet, like here for instance.
Re: How about this!

OR if you happen to be a member of another site that has a photo gallery available to it's members, then you could ask permission and upload them there!
Re: How about this!

Pierre, you have to upload your pics to a web site for a short answer. (they must have a URL address) You can go to ECN or search for some free website information, you probably won't need a big area.

Re: How about this!

Most free places will limit you to around 10M, which is not a lot if this is stock stuff straight from a digital camera.

You may want to rework bitmap images into JPEG format, crop/resize, and twiddle compression levels to reduce their size. A meg sized BMP can frequently be reworked down to 50K or less with JPEG and have very little image distortion. 50K is an acceptable size for someone on a dialup - a meg or more really isn't.

A lot of the free ones are now limiting the ability to link images off their site too. I had this problem with Geocities. This can be kinda worked around by putting an HTML wrapper page around the image then giving people that wrapper page's address. Clicking it will take you to the image, but the host's offensive popup ads will then appear because they modify uploaded HTML pages on the fly and insert their ad display junk.

Many are restricting FTP access too - forcing you to use some goofy web based file manager gizmo (so they can force you to see ads while you work).
Re: How about this!

A word of caution. Make a copy of your original picture before using any imaging software to crop, resize, and especially change compression.

Any changes you make are permanent unless you have a backup, and changing formats or compression ratios does change the picture. tonyi is correct that small JPEG formats are okay for web sites, email and the like, but they look lousy when printed on paper in that format/compression ratio.

Always keep the original and always print from the highest quality/least compression version you have.
Re: How about this!

This first EMT Ruff shot looks like King Tut's crown at first glance:


And, that's a good thing...
Re: How about this!


What you need is one of those internet savvy kids to show you.

My 11 year old daughter is showing me how to open my own personal web page from our internet provider, she tells me that most providers offer this for free (free is always worth saving for) :D

Anyway, I too have a lot of pics that I would like to post. Just today I came across a 3'x3'
closet that had the electric panel, furnace, and the nat gas meter all crammed into it, not so bad except that the service was just redone last year (I'm guessing that there were no permits pulled).

Re: How about this!

Maybe we can persuade Danny to install a program like they use on E-Bay that would allow us to upload our images right here with out all the trouble of having to find free web space.
Re: How about this!

Maybe we can persuade . . .
Lets see, Mike has provided the forum for us and we have used it a lot (take a look at the number of posts), now add an extra 500k for each thread (I am being really conservative here), then look at the size of the server needed to handle that volume.

IMO, we would eat up the drive space so quickly that Mike would have to expend major bucks to stay up with us. As it is now, we generally will get by without posting graphics and do fairly well. When really needed, we have some people who have very generously offered to take our graphics and post them on their sites so we can attach them to our posts.

In other words, the system ain't broke so don't fix it. :D
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